Posted: 5-21-2022
It is important for the people, the citizens of the U.S.A., to understand what is taking place daily. I have spent the past 5 days studying and writing out the Revelation of God. I have been struck by one fact: No matter what we think, like or dislike about structure of this country: God is in control and He is actively presenting to the people of America and the world a choice.
I believe that the world is well into the times of the birth of the end of life as we know it. When spending time in Revelation the fact of choice became clear. This country has single handedly presented the world with wholesale legal abortion. Did we start the idea of abortion? No. This form of death to the unborn has been present a long time. The difference now is that in America it is protected by the commutation. We are extremely opposed to the wholesale death of the innocent.
There are more issues at stake than abortion.
The issue of the life of "Black Lives Matter" is way out of line. Every breath of life of every person is important! Yes, every life matters to God and should matter to every person of the world. All people who have been born matter to God and should matter to us of all generations!.
And the issue of the gender phenomenon is way out of line with the basic principle of humanity. "Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life, and man became a living being" Genesis 2:7
There are many theories about creation and in America we have right of choice; I, as a believer of God, choose God, choose His Truth!
I could go on about de-funding the police, which has led to and is leading to anarchy, and other issues.
The point is basic: God is in control and what is happening in this country and around the world is simple...God is presenting America and the world a choice. Choose God and His Principles of life or choose satan and his death machine; and by the way, Putin and his death machine are also at the top of the list. Read Psalm 2 and other references to the Kings of the Earth. This, too, is a part of the facts with which we live. If you are a believer in the True God of life, pray for the people and the choice many are making without realizing it and for all of mankind in coming to the fact of the times we live in and the signs of the times we see daily.